How I Became a Feminist

Like becoming a goddess, it didn’t happen all at once. It was a process. Thinking back, I realize I had many early signs that continued as a constant thread with growing awareness and frustration at the social inequities. The world just didn’t seem fair. At first, I wondered why. Then, in succession, I grumbled, got angry, and eventually depressed. And, if you can believe it, my AHA! moment, what I consider the birth of my feminism, came with the issue of a very mainstream magazine.
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Honoring My Daughter’s Parents

Does this title sound strange? Perhaps you are wondering “If she is your daughter, aren’t you her parent?”  Well, [pause] yes and no. It’s a long story.

Her parents, whom I am honoring, are the ones who adopted her when she was an infant and raised her to adulthood. I was the young woman, not yet 19 years old, who birthed her and surrendered her for adoption. After holding her, feeding her, loving her for 5 days in the hospital, I dressed her in a sweater I knitted, rode with her in my arms in a NYC taxi cab, and then handed my baby, surrendered my baby, to a Catholic Charities social worker.

In adoption parlance, they are the A (adoptive) parents and I am the B (birth) mom. We never met but we became connected in this offbeat way.

adoptive parents

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Celebrating 30 Years of Skiing

Whenever I find myself on top of a mountain in winter, especially when it’s snowing, I feel  a rush of emotions. Above all, I am always amazed that I am there, that I ever took up the sport and then stuck with it despite a discouraging beginning. Equally important, I am grateful that I can physically do it and can afford it, as it takes stamina, some level of skill, and a decent chunk of money. I’ve experienced this same introspective moment every year for 30 years straight and I’ve experienced it all over the globe.

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